They say it still stands as the biggest party of the 20th century. In any case, it unquestionably remains the largest ever held in Ibiza, and every year many continue to celebrate it. On September 5, 1987, Freddie Mercury, the leader of Queen, was already aware of his terminal illness, which inspired him to celebrate his 41st birthday like never before.

Freddie had turned Hotel Pikes into his personal Ibizan retreat, so he approached the charismatic owner, Tony Pikes, with his idea. Given the host’s fondness for eccentricities, it was clear that the proposal for “the party of the century” would be embraced.

The guest list exceeded five hundred, including radiant stars, exclusive members of the jet set, and even Mercury’s London street friends. Such a gathering inevitably led to a cascade of excesses and spectacular figures: 350 bottles of Moët Chandon, hundreds of giant helium balloons, 230 broken glasses (all billed to the “birthday boy”), and a gigantic cake shaped like La Sagrada Familia. The fireworks were so thunderous that, as the chronicles narrate, they were heard more than a hundred kilometers away.

35 years later, Pikes, a legendary venue where you could encounter Mick Jagger, George Michael, or Julio Iglesias, among others, celebrates Freddie Rocks every September 5th. It’s a massive party with music, dance, and a grand feast in homage to the Tanzanian singer. Mercury would pass away just four years later from bronchopneumonia caused by HIV. However, he departed, taking with him the greatest party in history.

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